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1428 entries.
jan vijn from ede, holland
Las over je werk in Naturisme. Prachtige site en schitterende bodypaintings. Ook de naakten en de tekeningen vind ik heel mooi.
Lorry Harker from Wilmington, USA
Once again I have truly enjoyed viewing your art work. You are truly talented.
Kevin Kline from sayre, usa
wonderful page you hve some beautiful work.
Michael Ondusko from Oxford, Michigan USA
Your site is fantastic. Your work is amazing. There is so much to see... I've spent a long time, and each time I come back, I find a new jewel.
Christi de Jager from Johannesburg, South Africa
Great photos. Love it!!! Amazing art works and love the nude photos!
William Kazak from Rockford, USA
Very nice stuff.I Know,I am a photographer who has dabbled in drawing.I like the music themes the best.Stay with that.Please keep me updated.
ANTHONY PLUMMER from lakewood, United States
Thank you for telling me about your updated work, as always it brings me great joy to view them. Please let me know if you will be in the Denver Colorado area.
Robert St John from Phoenix, Az
Refreshing, yet dreamy. I really like the fact that you can capture many different moments so well.
Alwin, Marije en Pelle from Roelofarendsveen, Nederland
Hoi Amit, Vorige week stonden de foto`s in naturisme. We hebben een hoop positieve reacties gehad. Verder gaat alles goed met ons. Net verhuisd en ons tweede kindje is op komst. De fotosessie is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar als we straks met z`n vieren zijn !! Groetjes: Alwin, Marije en Pell
Terry Poole from Brisbane, Australia
Your photography surpasses much of what I have seen in other artists (perhaps just a personal taste). I especially like the section on a mother with her baby. It captures the emotion, the love, the bond. If only there was more photography capturing that special moment.
Gina Kiel from Grand Blanc , USA`
Your landscapes are exceptional. I wonder where you took most of your photos.
Robert Vanderbrugen from Fredericktown, Missouri, USA
Stopped by to enjoy your site. Located your link on the body art news group. You are very talented.
Marthi. U. N. Sarma from Hyderabad, India
Your BW photos are something unique I have seen. I am sure I shall remember some of them for quite some time.
Richard Spehr from Largo, Florida United States of America
As always, beautiful art & Amit Bar.
andre from london, uk
although your work is completelt different from my photographes I like your snapshots very much! Very impressive. Please have a look at my page at
face from Yokyo, Japan
Ray Bosanko from Spokane,Wa, USA
You have an very interesting site. I like the way that you combine art and photo-graphy together.
Kelly Heilman from Dallas, USA
What a lovely site. I can't believe I can experience something so nice for free. Thank you for putting this here in such a pleasurable way. I really like one of the collages...thank you again
Itzik from Oranit, Israel
Ale ve hatzlach!!!
sivn from jerusalem, Israel
Thanks for your sweat photos. I love nude females.
ed beenen from dordrecht, nederland
Hallo amit ik heb je werk op het internet bekeken en vind het prachtig,ik kwam aan je homepage via het stukje van Allon in de computer idee.
mies from Deutekom,
mooi !!!!!!!!!!giga........mies
Sandra from calgary, canada
I am glad i found this site i really like your pictures. I am sorry to hear that some of your pictures had to be deleted.
Abe Perea from City: Reno, NV US
I like your work, very nice.
Golden World from Bangkok, Thailand
Great site, but the enlarged pic is sometimes blurry.
Rob Kempers from Gouda, NL
Als tourist maak ik graag foto's die anders zijn dan anderen. Maar uw werk is geweldig, heel fijn om op deze elektronische wijze naar te kunnen kijken. vr. gr. Rob Kempers
yakov Avraham from Beer-Sheva, Israel
Toda raba Tmonot Yafot Meod. I wish I could be in Holland to work with you, it mast be very good school for me. Koby
Angie Doctor from Johannesburg, South Africa
Your work is beautiful. I am fasinated by black and white photos. I have taken a few myself but I battle to capture the beauty of reflective light on an object. I have surfed on the web for black and white photos for a while now but no one else's photos have managed to light a spark in my mind like yours! Truely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your work with the world.
nash from Bombay, India
Felt very good after watching your photographs
Amanda from Utica, USA
GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!
Jo from Gent, BelgiÎ
Heel mooie en overzichtelijke site.
Itzik from Israel
I know it's not our holyday but...marry cristmas. I realy enjoy to visit your site.
Ewa from Poland
Calkiem sypatycze zdjecia. Fajny Z Ciebie gosc. (Beautiful images. You are a very nice man). EWA
roy schwaiger from HAIFA, ISRAEL
jade from nice, france
very nice site...good luck for the future. Jade--French glamour Model--
Martie Seesing from Doetinchem, Nederland
Respect voor jouw en je zoons werk.
Joshua Thorpe from Tamp, FL, USA
I've been visiting your site for a while now, I signed your guest book as number 196. you wrote me back and asked to see some of my work. at the time I didn't have a scanner. if you would still like to some of my work I'll mail a sample to you...maybe we could write back and forth a bit.
Mithili from Pune, India
I really enjoyed viewing the landscape photographs. They are really great.
Michael U Johansson from Lund, Sweden
Lovely and excellent work. I like your art very much. It is a inspiration for me in my own artistic work. Would you like to switch bannerlink with me? Contact me if you are interested. Please visit me at
bobh from adelaide, australia
some of the very best,your heart is in the right place.
Daniel from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Beautiful work!!
Joe Styles from Colonia, yap, FSM
I haven't had a chance to view your work. I'm sure they're great. I hope you can sign me as a member so that I can view some of the work you're doing. Thanks
Donyala L. Banks from Rangely, CO
I love photography and I really enjoyed your work. Thank you for sharing it with me.
EDDY ART from cologne, germany
greet from Germany sends you a hobby photographer radix complement still to yours work
Gerard Elshof from groningen, nederland
Mijn welgemeende complimenten over uw werk! Dit kom ik zelden tegen. De site is zeer compleet te noemen, en nodigt uit om contact op te nemen. Ga zo door, en veel succes in de toekomst!
tygro from olanda
ook deze is een cid lezer. Het ziet er super uit mijn compliment, tygro
Gloriela Elizabeth Rivera from Orlando, USA
Fabulous photography! I love the nude photos and body painting shots.
Leyla from Ankara, Turkey
I enjoyed your photogfaphs.
Joyce from Philadelphia, USA
I have been modeling nude for about two years. I love it! It was nice to find your website
Cynthia K. Cortes from n.y.c., usa
l.p.m. van lieshout from Sint-Oedenrode, Nederland
Vader & Zoon, proficiat met deze fraaie site!
brenda from diamond city, usa
Like your photography.
Nice shots
jack housman from Franklin, NJ USA
Beautiful work!!!!!!!! Thank you for including some pictures of heavier, and middle aged people. My wife will be delighted. again, thank you, very much.
Di from USA
You are now listed as "Preferred Site - September 2002" on my Photography site. Here is a direct link for you .. Take care!
ruud tromp from nijmegen, nl
Een heel mooie site. Las in Comp Idee hierover. Heel mooi allemaal en technisch perfect (althans volgens mij). Veel succes!!
Chuck Means from Gainesville, Florida, USA
I really enjoyed your work, especially, the Body Paintings and the Nude Photos. They were very beautiful and in such good taste. I live on a very small fixed income and, unfortunately can not purchase any. If I were wealthy, I'd buy many. Thank You for the opportunity to view your Art.
amit kumar goel from Bareilly, INDIA
your ceation is magnificent and very wide too. No body can feel bore about it and may continue for hours together if the material doesn't get finish to see. with regards
JHoto from Nijverdal, Nederland
Schitterdende foto' en ook mooi weddesign. ik heb veel inspiratie opgedaan. Http://
joanetta from Nederland
Ik vind uw werk heel interessant, vooral de foto's van kinderen vind ik mooi. mijn complimenten.
Han Wijman from Hengelo, Nederland
Weer een CID-lezer. Prachtige site, maar bovenal schitterende foto's. Vooral de landschappen. Helaas vind ik als zuinige Hollander de prijzen nogal pittig.
margit from Tallinn, Estonia
I like your collages & nudes.I do a little photography myself too.Good work!
Shlomo Yariv from Tivon, Israel
Wonderful. Thank you for the artistic regalation.
Armando from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Muito bom!
Elisabeth Prenzel from Dresden, Duitsland
Ik vind de Galerie heel mooi! Speciaal de tekeningen en de portretten, echt top!
rowan-florence from zuid holland, nederland
u zoon komt er wel! mooi site heeft ie gebouwd,ik las het stukje in computer idee,u mag hem weleens wat meer gaan betalen ;-)) (geintje) succes nog met u foto's vr gr van
carlos antonio m∑rquez sandoval from campeche,camp, m»xico
congratulations, i'll being enjoy u photos and is like i was in another land, u have a great feeling to capture the exactly moment. bye.
Derek Jacobs from england
some images are interesting, some fasinating, all exhibit quality and inspire the viewer to produce similar images.
Eric from den haag, NL
Goede site, mooi,duidelijk en overzichtelijk...en de foto's spreken natuurlijk!
C.V.SABBA from New Jersey, United States
I love your web site. The nudes are fantastic. The other areas are very beautiful also. Great landscapes. Please look at my web site: I think you might like my hot pepper paintings. Recently I have been painting large canvasses from live nude models. These paintings will be added to my sight shortly. Ciao.
pit from warsaw, poland
realy cool site! piter
Becky from WarmSprings, US
Love the nature!
Serge Bratishenko from Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Thank you for your photos!
Teresa Youngblood from Norwalk, CT. USA
What beautiful imagery! Your work is outstanding, and I so enjoyed browsing through your on line gallery.
Dennis P. Costea Jr. from Ashburn, USA
I think the body as a canvas is a wonderful thing and I hope someone comes up with full length unitards featuring prints derived from your examples! The lines in several of your works compliment the form without eploiting any portion of the anatomy per se, and I appreciate the effort that must have gone into them. Nice job! I hope you are able to continue painting for many years to come.
Amy from chonburi, Thailand
Some of your pic It's very interesting and I'd like to share my friend. Can I send your pic from your web.How? I want to know Who are made all and where I mean landscapes.I like it very much. Thanks for all of who to create and share this site for every one. Hope you can understand me b/coz my English no good. Many Thanks Amy
David Webber from Durham, England
Exceptionally beautiful photographs. I particularly like the body-paint pictures which are very imaginative, impressive and probably my favourite photographs on the internet.
Robert Bub from Plymouth, Wisconsin, USA
Your photos are excellent.
Itzik from Oranit, Israel
Well done!!! from Seoul, Corea
How Do You Do? Your Picture Is Fine! Viewing Select Time!!!!!!!!!!!! ø? ??ÊìÊ”¯â. Ê?°˜ ª∑?¢´ú?à ?Æ?¢ø?øå ø√?√°àøë'ú'ü.(this Is Corean^^!!!). Good Luck!
donald bruen from woodbury, ct , usa
great art-wonderful feeling take a look at min at: interesting convergence of subject matter-yours and mine.
Osvaldo O. de Alencar from Recife, Brazil
You are on the way!
Andt Klein from Haifa, Israel
very impressive work, touching nature pix, and sensitive body pictures
Joel Garrido from Guadalajara, Mexico
I like to much this site, congratulations for do it, it's beautiful. Joel
Tilly kuiper from voorne putten, nederland
Hallo Amit Bar, heb net een reis door je website achter de rug, en...ik heb intens genoten van de diversiteit , diverse rubrieken met elk een haast tastbare schoonheid. Een kleurrijk palet van kunst, waar als een fluistering de liefde voor wat je doet , in weerklinkt, teder doch krachtig. Kortom, of het nu om de natuur gaat of bodypaintings of naakten en alle andere facetten ...ik ervaar het allemaal als intens mooi. met vriendelijke groet, TK
Meg from LaFayette, USA
I like the new site. YOu have great work.
you a good painting and i sollutedis yours and i want you sending me foto nudes
Howard J Arlott from McKees Rocks, USA
beautiful nature and still life photos. Great work
Juan Torres from Seattle
This is a Great website, containing some of the best body painting I have ever seen
Koby Avraham from Beer-Sheva, Israel
Thank you Amit for this visit in your site, as always I study from your work. Hope to see you soon. Koby
v.Gorcum from tilburg, nederland
ziet er goed uit ga zo door met je site
Glenn Van Buren from Sunland, U.S.A.
Nice work!
Guilherme Henrique Silva Eilert from Porto Alegre, Brazil
Pretty cool, I guess. Sorry if i don't elaborate.
Elaine from Dalian, China
Wonderful..... i like it!
Tore Poortman from oslo, Norway
You have a wonderful site and I love your art. Please keep up the beautiful work. Tore
Mario Dagniaux from Vlaardingen, Holland
Oprechte complimenten van een collega-fotograaf voor de mooie foto's, je website is ook heel mooi van opzet. Een bezoek aan jouw website is een genot en werkt inspirerend. Kijk ook eens op mijn website (deze is net af) Met vriendelijke groet, Mario Dagniaux.
Peter Kleine from Groningen, Nederland
Werelds, Ik heb echt genoten van je foto's. Vooral de landschapfoto's. Verder laat je ook zien dat echt naakt foto's maken een kunst is en niet schunnig hoeft te zijn. ik nodig je uit om naar mijn foto's te kijken van vooral landschappen, dieren en Bloemen op Groetjes Peter.
Ann from duiven, nl
Hoi, veel succes met je tentoonstelling, bijzonder mooi!!!
RAJA DURAI from bangalore, india
memo from amman, jordan