Ancient Nefertiti and modern landscapes

As announced, I made a new body-painting project named Nefertiti. It was thanks to the beautiful dance of Elle that it expresses a real old-Egyptian sphere.

My photo student and crafts teacher created the hat and necklace for the model. It adds an inspiring dimension to this work.

The accompanying music, Samson & Delilah from Saint-Saëns, is what I heard as a child on Israeli radio, every evening at 6pm.

David Roberts drew the background pictures. He extensively illustrated both the Holy Land and Egypt in the 19th Century.

The results, of photos and video, are here: Nefertiti

Before my videomaking period I created another Egyptian inspired art project: Isis.

With a focus on a very different era, of nature’s works in the Achterhoek region in The Netherlands, I have added new landscape and nature projects to the website. See Rain clouds and rainbow and Misty forest.