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1428 entries.
Bob Hensley from Sydney, Australia
I am a photographer in Sydney Australia. I love your web site, and your photography is great. Keep up the good work Wishing you all the very best. Bob Hensley
Leuke site, mooie foto's. Helaas wel een lage resolutie en een hoge compressiefactor bij de jpg. Zorgt voor die vervelende rimpeltjes bij randen...
bojana dimitovska from skopje, macedoia
Ilike your drowings soooooooo much. I was also very imprese of your fhotos
Koby Avraham from Beer-Sheva, Israel
Hello Amit as always it is great to visit your site to see your amazing works. i wish you and your fam all the best. Koby
Mick from Melb, Aust
loved your works!
david from ga, united states
this is a great site i love the art work keep it up
Antonio Marrocos from Porto Velho, Brasil
Hi Amit. Wonderful works. Universal. I'll back again. Marrocos.
Pieter Kalf from Meise, Belgie
Leuke, goede site, stuur ons graag updates. Veel succes Pieter
mirjam wolffers from amersfoort, Holland
Herman Loggen from Heiloo, Nederland
Fantastische foto's, met plezier naar gekeken. kom ook eens kijken op mijn internet site:
Thomas Swafford from Chattanooga, U.S.A.
Very nice work . I especially like the collages and the nudes . Some of the nudes remind me of some shots that I've done . The outdoor body paints were fantasic . What kind of body paint did you use on the models ?
Georgi from Sofia, Bulgaria
The pictures are very nice. I'd like to look more.
gary yates from montreal, Canada
Excellent work! You have inspired me to expand my photos to include body paintings. Thanks.
Itzik Yariv from Oranit, Israel
Col Hacavod!!!
ben Ernst from santpoort, nederland
I enjoied watching your photos. I was and am interested in bodypainting and photography. Especcialy the photography in nature is wonderful. I am inspired. thank you.
Inder Gopal from New Delhi, India
Great work, and keep it up.
Debatri Das from Kolkata, India
Your work is blissfully beautiful, and I take this opportunity to compliment you for the artwork that you are so persistently carrying out. My best wishes and regards to you. By the way, do you have your roots in India?
Leen from Schiedam, Nederland
Regelmatig kijk ik op uw web-site, of er nog nieuwe foto's zijn. Mijn complimenten voor de prachtig, kunstzinnige foto's. Niet alleen de naakten, maar ook de andere foto's zijn geweldig! Echt oog voor detail. Bezoek ook eens onze site;
Robbie Vermeersch from Hooglede, BelgiÎ
Prachtige foto's die de doorslag gaven over mijn studiekeuze: fotografie!
Steve Garrett from Brazoria, TX, USA
I enjoyed the photos. Only had time to look at a few. Will return to view more later. You have a good eye for the artistic value of images and color.
Stephen from Warrenton, USA
Splendid, splendid and more splendid. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated viewing this web page. Thank you.
Jessica Berry from Palmdale, U.S.A
Hello, I found out about your site from I am very impressed by the qualityof the work shown on this site. I can see it required a lot of talent. Ich lerne Deutsch an der Universitât in Lancaster, California. I have never been to Holland, but if I do go, I would love to participate in a body art session and have photos taken!
Joshua from Tampa, Florida, USA
WOW, even more great pieces. You are still impressing me. keep up the great work. and keep us informed of updates...blessed be.
Katie from Carson City, US
I really like your photos. They are fun and interesting to look at, and make you think about your own personal meaning behind them...
Tatiana from Minsk, Belarus
I've spent a great hours enjoining your arts... thank you!
Andrea from Westhope, US
You have great pictures! The landscape pics are awesome. great work
tomek from Gdansk, Poland
Pierre Grim from lelystad, Holland
Het is elke een genot om door jou site te mogen gaan Prachtig fotowerk Amir dagggggg tot kijk foto'Pierro"
james wong from Singapore
Great & Lovely, Rgds,jw from Singapore. Thank you.
roger fisher from aurora ill., usa
Have always enjoyed artistic nudes, that's how young artists today love to express themselves. Body painting is the art of the new millinium. Send me a catalog, I love your stuff. Chow-
Deeder from PEI, Canada
i think your page is beautiful. thanks for sharing your work !
alon from Givat Ela, israel
Amit, Very nice work! I liked many of your paintings. I would like to know who make the effective web site 4 u.
Anthony Keith from New Albany, ind. usa
All I can say is amazing work! great eye great talent! Cant wait to see more
bert van rijswijk from terwolde,NL
Rune Berget from Kvam, Norway
A lot of really great pictures.
Eirik Berger from Bardufoss, Norway
Nice page, and great photos. i really liked those black/white nude photos. Keep up the good work.
Darya Pilram from San Diego/San Francisco, USA
I very much enjoyed your photos, especially those of young Allon!
Rick from NJ
Nice photographs. Great site. Please visit my digital photography gallery at Thanks!
glenn from Bakersfield, USA
I am very impressed with your work [ I especially enjoy the Landscapes and the photo collages -- excellent work. Thanks for sharing them with meglenn
hello! My name is Haejin Ham.I live in Korea. Your photos made me so impressed. Your photos very nice. thank you!
Hans Ronhaar from Nijmegen, Nederland
Gewoon ontzettend goed, ik heb met plezier alles bekeken. Prima!!!!
Levar from amsterdam, nederland
Mijn interesse als fotograaf ging uit naar de naaktfotos en ik moet zeggen dat deze prachtig, soms ontroerend mooi zijn. Hoop dat je ook eens naar mijn fotos wilt kijken op fr»deric levar
jamshed qureshi from delhi, india
find your work really amazing. i am an amaeture photographer. really inspired by your work. in future wanna be a photographer like you.
Heinz Hedderich from Beckingen, Germany
Her home page pleaces me very well. Will visit it on occasion. Pleace- Text was translated by a computer!
Koby Avraham from Israel
Dear Amit. As always i love your work, the new one are very good. see you on line. Koby
Josh Stewart from N/A, USA
Dear Photographer, You have a real nice webpage, which I think you have some great Pictures!
Ayesha from Luton, England, UK
My God, what a FANTASTIC site! Im an fine art student and seeing your work shows that I can merge fine art & photography together! keep up the great work!
Gala van Moskou from Amsterdam, Nederland
Wow! Portret#18 en #19 zijn werkelijk prachtig! Groet, Gala
P.W.Chrzanowski from Greenfield, USA
Amit Bar, I am young art student from greenfield, massachusettes. One night while one the internet i found your webpage. Your work is very stimulating and impressive. Not to many sites on the internet have work as incredible as yours. I am a young striving artist, and i always love hearing feed back from artist's about their work. If its not too much trouble i would like to hear some of your thoughts and processes about your landscapes and collages. Their wonderful. P.W.Chrzanowski, USA
jena from sydney, australia
great site.. keep up the good work. the photography/drawings are great. later jen
dan popescu from bucharest, romania can't see every day such a complete artist for the simple reason they are not many.keep it that way!
john burke from UTRECHT, holland
i like your black and white photo's.
joshuart from malta
nice website and wonderful pictures, keep it up. we dont have that kind of landscape in malta just a litel in here, but we have a great history.
Heather Allen from Lafayette, United States
I love your work. I have done modeling very similar to the nudes you have done. I worked with an artist in Ogden, Utah. I really enjoy your work and would love to see more. Heather
David Melamed from London, UK
Hi Amit, I hope that you remember who am I. I found your site and was very impressed. I live now with Yael who was Shal. On a marketing mission from Palram in the UK. Will be nice to hear from you or even meet once by a chance. All the best, Dada.
Juliet Mitchell from Sydney, Australia
Your photos interest me, their composition's simplicity gives them a classic timeless style.. Well done!
Dave W Ferguson from Columbia City, USA
Enjoyed the photo's
Ludo from leiden
it's always a great pleasure to visit your site. I wish you had pages and pages of those nice masterpieces! greetings, LC
mishael from sofia, bulgaria
verry good pikshers i am happy to look him
Michael from Cork, Irl.
Love your work,
leonid from Ashkelon, Israel
I was very impressed by your beautiful photos. You are a real artist. Much success in the future. Leo.
HennYvonne from Gaanderen, NL
Will from Taipei, Taiwan
The body Paint section is awfully great!!! I love the musical ones and the one with leaves all over. I wish I know those models' names.
sergio waksman design inc. from tampa, florida
excellent stuff. I love the concept shown in your body paintings group especially the mondrians. I spent five years in Israel including four at Bezalel. your name was familiar when I saw it on a site( thanks.
Ronnie Seagroves from Shepherd, USA
Beautiful work. The body paint was very bold. I liked it.
kyle roberts from lakeland, u.s.a.
your photography of the nude arts is fantastic, especially your black & white's
harry from rotterdam, holland
Nogmaals hartelijk bedankt voor de leuke, leerzame workshop. De foto's zijn goed en sfeervol. groet
Brandy Wilkinson from Seattle, USA
Wow I really like your ideas for portraits. They are definately unique I'd say. Visit my work at
jilke from Gouda, Nederland
Wat een leuke site ik ben zelf ook erg bezig met fotografie en hoop daar ook net zo goed in te worden als u
Patrik from Katrineholm, Sweden
Great page!
Bob Jones from USA
inspiring work!
Tim Vale from Budapest, Hungary
I was getting info about my stay in Israel through Google and noticed you were a Kibbutznik at Kfar Hamacabbi. I was a volunteer back in `77 and was 1 of 3 Goyim, me a Brit, 1 Irish guy and a Japanese. The rest were Ulpan kids from the U.S. Haim an older guy, was the guy in charge of the volunteers. I learned to love working as a Raftan.I noticed some of your pics a few years ago on various sites.You might find me at my VT pages, i`m MEMBER budapest8 and the site is CHeers and love your pictures!
Shalom from Miami, USA
Terrific website.. terrific photography!
Bert from Groningen, Nederland
Ik vind vooral de foto's van landschappen en natuur erg mooi. Heb ervan genoten!
Jason Donaldson from Mt Rainier, US
I found your pictures very creative and a joy to view. A neat Website. Take Care, Jason
Emiel R.D. Legger from Voorschoten, Nederland
Beste Amir, Met plezier heb ik vooral naar je tekeningen gekeken. Ik herken de sfeer van het lokaaltje met cursisten en het werk thuis met alle concentratie, rust en vertrouwen. Jouw foto's van het sportieve model onderbouwen dat. Als je op mijn site wilt kijken laat ook een berichtje achter. Emiel (
eastgirl from O., Nederland
Erg mooie site met prachtig foto's, ik heb met plzier deze site bezocht. Misschien leuk om een bezoekje te brenegen op mijn site op:
tanja koning from delfzijl, nederland
prachtige site, veel liefs tanja.
Daniel Moore from Chico, USA
love the nude lifestyle and your pics are real nice.
Jo from USA
Thank for showing your work. It is wonderful!
jenny nagle from DICKSON, USA
Saskia from Middelburg
Mooie site hoor, met veel prachtige foto's. Complimenten !
daphne werner from leiden, nederland
knappe foto's en al even mooie tekeningen,zelf heb ik al een aantal keer als naaktmodel geposeerd en al vele vele dingen gezien ,maar hiertussen zitten echt een aantal leuke en knappe platen ,..
Nelci Rog»rio Gomes from Caxias do Sul, Brasil
Meus parab»ns! SÑo fotos lindas.
David Stein from NY, US
Hi Amit Bar, Enjoyed your photos. Regards, David Stein
Yakov from New York, USA
Dear Amit! Once again I appreciate you so, so much for real, unreal beatiful ART! I like your site very much. It became part of my vision and my life. Hamon Todot Mi New York. LeShana Habaa Birushalaim Habnuya! Yakov.
Grant Keller from Tigard, USA
Loved the photos', good luck on future pictures.
jon cross from pittsburg, kansas
Dude i loved the body paintings. those where the best i have ever sean. keep up the good work.
May from Singapore
Hi! I enjoyed visiting your WP ^_^ Keep up the good work!!!
imouse from LA, USA
Gorgeous pictures (nudes) on a tasteful site. Hope join you sooner than later. Thank you. imouse
farid from pakistan
superb body paintings and nudes
nadine from Canada
i really enjoy your work the updates are beautiful. Thank you for keeping me updated with your progress 🙂
Lothar from Hoya, Deutschland
Sehr interessante Anregungen und wundervolle Fotografien. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Foto f∏r Vorderseite Speisekarte " Bistro". Sollte recht modern sein (z.B. Frauen am Billiardtisch oder so )Kannst Du mir helfen ? mfg Lothar aus Norddeutschland
hyungsuk choe from Koyang, South Korea
As a senior Korean aged 68, I had a good opportunity to surf your landscape photos to appreciate the most outstanding photos. I wish to thank you via email. Sincererly hs choe
christopher harry from mumbai, india
i liked the site very much give more info on my mail id
Itzik from Oranit, Israel