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1428 entries.
herman from b, nl
prachtige foto`s
Jan K.A. Bontje from Hoogvliet Rt, Netherlands
j. Fern∑ndez Molina from Barcelona, ESpa“a
∞HOLA! Amit Bar. He visitado tu galeria fotogr∑fica y me ha gustado mucho, especialmente naturaleza. Felicidades por tu trabajo. Te volver» a visitar.
Hrayr Attarian from Rochester, USA
I really liked your snap shot gallery. Your nudes are pretty good too.
Linda Hughes from New York, USA
Your website is just beautiful! I wish you much success in all your endeavours! Good luck, Dr. Linda Hughes.
Itzik Yariv from Oranit, Israel
Jessica from Truro(Cornwall), England
the images within this collection are very precise. The nature images use colour,shape and texture well,the landscape images explore the wonders that make up our surroundings and the nudes explore the human body to a great extent.I am near to completeing a photography A-level at the moment and have gained much inspiration from the nudes for my final coursework piece-thankyou for sharing them with everyone.
Celeste from Boston, USA
I enjoyed your images!
iliya golob from Rosh Ha'ain, israel
This is a great site and it was made very professionaly. also I love your work and admire your talent, espacially the drawings.
Marianne from NL
Maybe I don't need to say this, but I think your photo's are very good, especially I liked those of children, nature and landscapes!
Be? Wass from Timra, Swedwn
Hello Amit ! Good pictures. Have a nice day. Be?
utpal shah from vadodara, india
it's excellent and unique collection site. i like nudes section and body paintings its not vulgar such a good art
Tina from Estonia
Nice works!
L van Noordt from Poortugaal, nederland
bodypainting naakten en landschappen prachtig
Bob Cossar from Comox, Canada
I enjoy your nude photos in have a style which is serious yet light also...Bob...My site is at Let me know what you think...:-)
Steven Kemp from Sacramento, United States
Beautiful pieces. You have an excellent eye. Your landscapes and nudes are beyond words. All I can say is...please keep doing what you are. Regards, Steven
ad from nice pics
Luc from Basle, Switzerland
I am very impressed by the large variety of your photocollection. The landscape pictures are my favorite and I look forward to seeing more updates. Regards from Switzerland, Luc.
Guy from Haifa, Israel
Hello! 🙂
Jeannette from Zwijndrecht, NL
Prachtig om het is 1 woord te zeggen:-))
joe miceli from Mosta, Malta
Can I be one of your models?
tony maxwell from traralgon, australia
love the scenery shots
mike from kearny, usa
congratulations did a wonderful job
David Martins from Porto, Portugal
Excellent website with excellent contents. Congratulations!
Arthur Platten from La Verne, CA 91750
Evertime I visit your site, it just gets better.You are a true artist. Thanks for the fine work. Art Platten
Anita from Rotterdam, NL
Hartstikke mooi werk!! van genoten....Zal zeker terug komen om te kijken naar nieuwe dingen !
Niels Visser from Zevenaar, Nederland
Hoi Amit en Allon, Mijn complimenten aan jullie alletwee. De Website ziet er nu prima uit! Nu de verkopen nog. Dat moet haast wel op gang komen. Tot ziens, Niels
Ed Quigley from Eastampton, USA
Enjoyed reviewing your site. Very nice photography in all of your galleries.
stuart friedman from new york, USA
I love your photos of nude models. I am a painter and find them very artistic and useful as a reference. It is like looking at an anatomy book for artists. The poses are great and so original.
ETIENNE DUSART from Managua, Nicaragua
I found your work tastefully provocative and full of life. If you ever come to Central America, call me up, I do thinks different but similar in some ways. Cheers!
nella from doetinchem,
complimenten. Ik vind het mooie werken. gr. nella (zwembad)
Ad Verwijmeren from Weert, NL.
U hebt voor mij, zowel wat inhoud als uitvoering betreft, voor mij de beste website die ik ooit gezien heb!
Hadar from Israel
My name is Hadar and I am a Itzik's friend. I enjoyed very much from your site. Hadar
Jennifer Hapgood from Homer, USA
Very nice pictures.
Mr.Amin from London, UK
Wonder full site i like very much. Thank You!
Frits Selier from Amstelveen, NL
de landschap/natuur foto's spreken me aan!Kijk eens op mijn site
Rebecca Albers
Mooie foto's...Eigen stijl die me erg aanspreekt!
Annette und Barbara from Moers / Kleve,
We are looking forward on 26.04.00 11.00 h We have seen the violine, I think Annette is a good model for it...
bas bla from amsterdam, nl
mooiste site aller tijden (van het millenium)!!!
Franz Waldhaeusl from Austria
I like your page - and the pictures, of course. Excellent work - keep on doing this good job !!!
Marina Màlder from Ede, Netherlands
Hallo Amit, Ik was erg benieuwd naar je werk van de afgelopen periode. Het is, zoals verwacht, nog steeds prachtig! Met name de foto's van geliefden spreken me aan omdat de intense band op de foto's zichtbaar is. Als ik het geluk heb iemand te ontmoeten met wie ik zo'n band voel dan weet ik je te vinden! Hartelijke groet van Marina.
Elena LAZAR from Suceava, Romania
I love your site ... since 2000 :))
Wanda from WWW, Nederland
Ik vind uw werk bijzonder spannend en dit omgeven door een hele mooie site. Ik wens u verder nog heel veel success !
ik vind je website te gek, je doet iets geweldigs hier!
John Bachrach from Westervoort, Nederland
Hi Amit, Mooie composities, voortreffelijke kleurencombonaties en nog volop mogelijkheden in diciplines. Ik hoop je een keer te ontmoeten om b.v. ervaringen te delen. Shalom, John
miriam bolder from doetinchem, nl
tek. no. 3 vond ik prachtig. Wil ik ook graag een keer echt zien. Ik heb het al zo vaak gezegd en zeg het nu nog eens: ik kom gauw een keer langs. Gauw is relatief: voor 2000. groetjes Miriam
Dennis from Kingston,NY USA
Thank you for allowing me to view your work. Impressive.
linus moke from deer creek, colorado, USA
i love your B&W nude work, especially your use of mirrors. thanks for the inspiration.
Hugo from Den Haag, NL
Geweldige foto's! Erg mooie lichtomstandigheden.
Kurt from Aalst, BelgiÎ
Uitstekende site. Doe zo maar voort. ikzelf zou graag fotoreportages maken maar heb er maar 1 jaar school voor gedaan. Wie mij hints en tips wil geven is altijd welkom.
Itzik Pasternak from Israel
You are just great!!!
Doug Bailey from Burnaby, Canada
Really liked your artwork. Excellent Photography!
Richard Young - 'R Young Art' from Barnstaple, Devon, UK
Excellent photography Amit. Best wishes. Richard -
Jack Schopman from Naaldwijk, Netherlands
Dear Amit, What I like very much is the rich variety of people and things you photograph in such a nice way. I can see that you respect everything that you are photographing: people and nature. I would like to go to Israel once upon a time and take pictures in the Negev desert and the Dead Sea. I am a landscape and nature photographer and I am interested in having contacts abroad. Therefore I would like to have a guestbook on my website too. My question to you is: how did you get your guestbook. In case you would like to have a look on my website, here it is: I wish you much succes in photography. With kind regards, Jack Schopman.
F.A.Hecht from Orangeburg, U.S.A.
Love your art and would like to see more. Thank You!
Andy from E.K, Scotland
Very Nice
angelique corliss from seattle, usa
i just wanted to say that you are doing great work and keep it up....
Jan-Willem Hekkelman from Almere, NL
erg mooi!
markus from Offenburg, Germany
very nice Homepage.. Compliment.. sunny greetings markus und Krystyna.
Hello. Your art is strange but beautiful!! We are TAN of the photographer in Japan. We want for you to see our site. Then, we want for you to feel something. We wait for the message from you. you!!!!
Stacey Williams from Allendale, USA
Abolutely beautiful... I'm a college student, currently studying film and video, but I've been thinking of switching to photography. After seeing these pictures, especially the bodypaint gallery, I think my decision is made. Stunning, to say the least...
Bernard Smith from Nepean, Ont., Canada
Amit, I have visited diferent sections of your art displays and found them to be very relaxing i especialy found the body painting and childern's to be soft and soothing. Please keep up the great work. Bernie
adel fortia from misurata, libya
hi ... great workshop and great photo .. good luck
Melanie/meRy from Breda, NL
Beste Amit, wat een mooie (naakt)foto's maak je! Ben zelf ook fervent fotograaf van het (naakte) menselijke lichaam, vooral zwangere buiken bekoren mij enorm. Ik kom graag nog eens terug op je site, groetjes!
Simone besure from solana beach, usa
wow! the violin photos are so magical!!!! you're so talented!!! just wanted to say hello 🙂 Natalie
A Marijnissen from Made, NL
Schitterende fotoos
marc from St-Niklaas, belgie
Mooie sit» met heel veel mooie foto's. De bodypainting vondt ik persoonlijk iets minder maar de rest heel mooi !!!
Lubin from france
Bravo. TrÀs belles photos.
meital ashkenazi from Paris, France
I'm from Israel and I'm study in Paris right now, I was looking some site about holland (internet site) and then I got this name Amit Bar witch I have never heard befor, I took a look in his (your site) site and all I have to say is WOW, that means amazing, so beautiful how come I have never heard that name in Israel, too bad but still it's really amazing so much creative thank you. Meital
Niels from nl
Leueueueueuk die notenbalken. Opm. voor Allon: het werkt sneller het terugpijltje van Windows 98 te gebruiken dan het woordje 'terug' op de homepage. In het eerste geval kom je op dezelfde plaats terug in de overzichtspagina en via Allon's software kom je terug bij het begin van de overzichtspagina en moet je eerst weer naar de juiste plaats terug scrollen. Een detail want verder ziet de homepage er aantrekkelijk uit! Mvg Niels
C. L. Frazee from puxico, usa
I liked your work very much could you send me some copies over e-mail of nudes that I may consider for purchase
Gerwin from doetinchem
hoi leuke site, lijkt mij ook zeer leuk om het te doen, wie kan mij er meer over vertellen.
Alain Delanneau from Marseille, France
tr»s beautiful work Cordially ALAIN
Theo from Rotterdam, NL
When i had half of you're talent.......Beautifull pics and paintings.Pitty for the high price.Take care.And go on.See you back soon.
Bodypainting is not just blend the pigment and the body of the model together. The point is the light,isn't it? The pigment serves poorly if the light does not serve. I think it's a new art to paint on body and photography is an old method. How to bring them together and born a new thing? Sorry,I did not see a real solution in your new works. --Ann
Jamie Brindley from Trenton, USA
Your work has really encouraged me to continue on in phototgraphy. I have never seen work like yours. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
erik from york, pa
I like your work with the nudes. they give a different look to what most people would look at.
Itzik Yariv from Oranit, Israel
kol hacavod!!!
Raes Yvan from Antwerpen, BelgiÎ
Geachte, Ik vind de combinatie tussen Uw grafisch werk en fotografie prachtig... ik stuur U eveneens een email waar ik U om advies vraag. Wanneer U zo vriendelijk wil zijn mij te antwoorden, ben ik U daar zeer erkentelijk voor. Met hoogachting, Yvan Raes
Itzik from Israel
jane weaver from mcallen, usa
i liked every bit of art photos that you have taken, good job and keep it up.
Jacqueline from Goes, Nederland
Wat een prachtige foto's, daar kan ik nog wat van leren. Kom je ook eens bij mij kijken? Groetjes Jacqueline
Hiddo Kostwinder from Hoogezand, nederland
Heel mooi, goed gedaan. Als ik geen gebruik hoefde te maken van een rolstoel zou ik mij aan melden voor een sesie maar helaas. Ga zo door. Nogmaals heel mooi. Hiddo Kostwinder
Jack from Victoria, Canada
You do wonderful work!! Thanks for sharing it! Jack
traminette from alden, usa
How lovely! I wish I could be included!
Bob Crews from Louisville Ky, USA
Enjoyed your site very much, the sole and group body-paintings. Very imaginative! Thank you for posting these in a free site.
Tammy White from Edmonton, USA
I have been following you site since 1999, I have saw changes and watched as you added new photos. I truly love your site and enjoy the tasteful photos you show. Sometimes disturbing,(this is ment in a good way) but always beautiful. May you have many years of success at your talent.
Namir from Voorschoten, Nederland
Ik feliciteer u van hart , het site is fantastisch en alle uw foto's zijn echt heel mooi , en vooral die naakten .
meta dame from halle, nl
kol ha kavod. Ziet er erg goed uit Amit. vooral de speciale effecten bij de bodypaintserie en nr 1 van de naaktfoto's vind ik erg goed.ik heb je spelletje gespeeld, het is ongelooflijk! groetjes an iedereen en lehit! meta
LORRY HARKER from Wilmington, USA
Beautiful artwork
Jeff from jerusalem, israel
I came accross your website while searching art, and was amazed by your work, especially the body painting photographs which combine so many techniquest to create such a beautiful image. When in Israel and possibly searching for male model, please contact me. It would be an honor to meet you. Be well.
Stephen from Toronto, Canada
Loved the nudes! The family and mother/baby shots especially, they expose the fun and beauty of the love we have for our children.
Fedor Breugem from Den Haag, NL
Ik vind het een onwijs mooie site en ik wilde U dan ook even feliciteren met uw 1.000.000 ste bezoeker
Tim Collins. from Cork., Ireland.
Brilliant webpage and tastefully done. Very inspiring. Keep up the good work.
kapje from Harderwijk, holland
Dit is een variabele site en van elk wat wils. Ga zo door
Anke from Ulft, Nederland
Meneer Bar, ik heb laatst u werk bekeken bij Huntenkunst in Doetinchem. En ik wou toch even zeggen dat ik u werk geweldig vind!
syrahme from austria
very interestning and professional photos! it was nice to take a look at this site...greetings syrahme