
Double IV Blog

This project was born as a protest against the latest endeavor of the Dutch human rights organization Oxfam Novib. This club  started an initiative against the modest support, which the Dutch government gives Israel. The same Dutch government which finances 31% of Ofxam’s budget!

Oxfam Novib mobilized several more or less “well known” Dutch singers, entertainers and TV personalia, to support their accusation regarding “obvious war crimes by Israel, ethnic cleansing or even genocide” of Palestinian people. Oxfam Novib declares to fight for gender equality, LGBTQIA rights and civil rights. That sounds good! However, this organization didn’t do anything about the murder of Mahsa Amini in Iran, LGBTQIA rights of Moslim Arabs in Gaza and civil rights of kidnapped Israeli, American, Russian, Thai and even Dutch people to the tunnels of Gaza.

Unfortunately, those moral champions are useful idiots, who know nothing about the real situation in Gaza. The accusation of Oxfam Novib is based on false information from the terror organization Hamas(!!!) and one-sided Dutch leftist media.

This has raised mixed feelings in me: I strongly oppose the policies of the Netanyahu government in Israel, but I am even more against hypocrisy.
I never heard this organization of moral knights fights against the cruel kidnapping of babies, children, women and elderly Holocaust survivors. Many of these poor people were shot dead, tortured and raped by Hamas terrorists, who are being held already 440 days under the ground with a lack of food, water and air, more dead than alive!
I never heard the protests of these noble defenders about the murdered Muslim Arab(!) homos in Gaza by Hamas. Why?
This double standard reeks of Antisemitism and gives me a double feeling, reflected in the song which I chose to play beside the created body-painting: “Double”.