Culture and health

Often I have been asked by fans whether there are physical exhibitions where they can see my artworks “live”. I had to disappoint them, because I expose my artworks on this way not often. Participating on exhibition means a lot of preparations and investing lots of energy, work and costs in it. Mostly it means also the remaining with many unsold works behind. These unsold works should be stored somewhere and the there is no room for all that.

Nevertheless, recently I thought to bring a change in it and applied to a museum, offering to expose my artworks in it. His very common refusal regarding “lack of place in the programming” made me think about the following quote: “In two spaces there is the biggest collection of super idiots: those who decide about culture and those who decide about sport – not those who create art or executing sport.”
Jan Werich, Czech writer and actor (1905-1980).

Well, no favors please from cultural super idiots. I decided to solve the interest of my fans by showing my artworks in my own studio. But, first I have to recover from two surgeries in my back. Therefore you will not see new artworks of mine on my site till the middle of July. I hope that these incisions will help me to repose from the terrible pain in my feet and back. From this summer on I hope to be able to open my atelier to your visits. It means for you some patience, or traveling to The Netherlands for the physical works. Stay tuned please!