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1428 entries.
subash from New Delhi, India
Dear Amit Bar, First of all I must congratulate you for the examplary work you have shown at your website. It is really your hardwork and dedication towards profession which has showered you so much appreciation and thus made you to rise at top. I wish you all the best. Keep it on, subash
Sergey from St. Peterburg, Russia
Very good works and models! I was glad to visit your gallery. I wish you all better for your work. Best regards.
Henk Snackers from Landgraaf, NL
Schitterende foto's van met name de bodypaintmodellen en ook de overige naaktmodellen.Soms een beetje erotisch zonder ook maar iets van pornografie, maar in ieder geval mooi. Ik zal deze site in de toekomst nog vaker bezoeken. Ik heb uw site bezocht naar aanleiding van een stuk in Naturisme nr. 2
Tom van Lammeren from alphen aan den rijn, nederland
ben zelf actief als hobbyfotograaf van voornamelijk modelfotografie lid van fotoclub en werkgroep modelfotografie. Uw modelwerk waardeer ik zeer. vriendelijke groet, Tom van lammeren
Alwin Zwaan from Doetinchem, NL
mooie foto's, m'n complimenten.
Krakowinski Dagmara from maasmechelen, Belgie
Hey. Ik vind je werken machtig!! Knap,stuk per stuk,ieder in zijn vorm! Chapeau 🙂
Gerard van den Berge from Amsterdam, Nederland
I found your site through the another site. I like it a lot. You have super great site. I'm sure glad I have really had a good time. I hope that you will come and visit me. I'd love to hear from you! GOD BLESS !!! My site is
Iver Gustafson from Bakersfield, Ca, USA
Looks great.You do realy great work.
Carlos Cortes from Mexico, Mexico
Well...searching on the Web I foung this page. The subjects,the thems and the pictures (light and that stuff)of the pictures are increidible. Very very good photos. Particularly I liked the black and white nude photos and landscapes. Congratulations.
Charles Styles from Columbias SC, usa
Well done!!!!!!
Abbas Ali from Toba Tek Singh, Pakistan
Nice Work Sir....:-)
Richard Lee Barton from Gemert, the netherlands
Saw your work...liked it ! Best Wishes, Richard
frank from houston, U.S.A.
you have done a very good work
Lee,Seong Hun from Seoul, South-Korea
That's very very good - your arts!!!!
Lisette Lebron from Philadelphia, United States
I think your website on your art is great. I thought the pictures were wonderful and very well photographed and painted.
Angela Warr from Newcastle, United Kingdom
I really enjoyed looking at your photographs of children. Thank you - you truly have a talent for capturing the moment. I especially enjoyed the two children laughing on the couch!
Rob Meijer from Heverlee, Belgie
Ik volg u al jaren en deze website is toch wel veel beter... Vooral de ontwerpen van de paints zijn zeer origineel. Afwerking is niet Seebodennivo maar U bent meer een fotograaf. Jammer van de kleine afmetingen van de pcis, dat laat een goede beoordeling achterwege. Zou eens graag toch willen babbelen omdat ik wel de drive herken. Mvg. Rob
Tusiimemathias from kampala, uganda
very interesting
Tore from Roma, Italia
Complimenti trovo la tua galleria estremamente interessante e vorrei ospitarti nel mio sito Cordialmente Tore
Itzik from Israel
Es usual, 'ATA GADOL'!!!
shlomo hanegbi from ashdod, israel
leuk hoor,je hebt de juiste dosage gevonden van kunstnude en erotic
David Scott from Roswell, USA
Exellent pictures.
Itzik from Israel
carlos arauz from somerville, massachusetts, USA
nice and beautiful fine art and photography
CLAUDIO M. AMIT from Cebu City, Philippines
I find your art work very interesting, inspiring and done with finesse. Please include me in your e-mail mailing list. Can I have yuur full name. My family name is Amit. Can I know the reason you used AMITBAR as your home page? Will be anxiously waiting for your reply.
Wouter Boevink from Hengelo, Nederland
Do like your work, don't like your site design.
Itzik from Israel
Like allways - I enjoy your work. Itzik Yariv(Pasternak)
Uri from Arad, Israel
I like your work
Daniel de Culla from North Hollywood, Ca
I enjoy You and yrs so much. Kisses and blessed Be∞
Thusitha Ranga from Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
Dave from London, UK
You have another fan of your work. Many thanks for a great site.
Francis from Santiago, Chile
It`s a pitty that there is no way to download pictures as decoration for the pc-desktop(nude # 41). Because of copyright it is understandable. Anyhow, the pictures are just great.
Roger Trewick from Perth, w.Australia
I am currently working my way slowly through Yahoo's 24 photographers in your category. May I please congratulate you on your work and thank you for making it available to visitors like me/us! I do hope you have a happy and prosperous new year.
subbu from chennai, tamilnadu, India
like to see
Paulo Caldas from Porto Alegre, Brasil
Lindo trabalho, inspirador e Maravilhoso!
Yael from Israel
The Landscapes section is magnificent.
KAJI from Japan,
Very nice and impressive new photos.
Wesley Howie from Bedford, Canada
Really nice site, well designed with excellent photos.
Tito Quadros Junior from Curitiba, Brazil
It's a fine art,congratulations.
michal from haifa, israel
i love your body paintings recent pictures 'and all your photographs in all subjects it has much humanity and strength. i enjoy looking every time you send this mail/ shana tova
Anil Kapoor from Kanpur U.P, INDIA
Ross from England
Fantastic, unusual to see all subjects covered so well. One of the best & most interesting sites I have seen. Would like to larger pictures though.
Emily from USA
I am very impressed with the "collages." What a unique style!
Cristina M. Perez from Anchorage , USA
The photos are absolutely beautiful. Hope to pursue a career in photography someday and have my work turn out like this.
Alexander Zharikov from Orenburg, Russia
Thank you for your art! Fine ideas and fine realisation! Best regards!
Itzik from Oranit, Israel
Well Done!!!
Ellen from Edmonton, Canada
I have been looking through your site for an hour or so and it the beautiful work here is endless. I especially enjoyed your appreciation of different body types in the nudes section, and your use of lines in many of the shots.
Heidi Voss from Lakewood, U.S.
Amit, I signed you guest book awhile ago and I just wanted to say your new photos are beautiful and elegant just as the ones before! You wrote me back an email and asked me if I had a websight, well now I do (it's brand new so my guest book is kind of empty. my web sight is found at . I designed it all by myself. If you have time sign my guest book. I have also taken pictures of women to I will add it web sight later. Thanks, Heidi
Andy Luberti from Hilversum, Nederland
Een veelzijdige en mooie presentatie van je werk. Het geeft een goed beeld van je fotografie en ideeen. vriendelijke groeten, Andy Luberti, Kodak Professional.
Bimo Aryotejo from Sydney, Australia
I love your work. It was beautifuly done. I think i'm gonna put you in my homepage.
Jonathan Ray from Windsor, USA
I am new at the net, I got the web tv so I could acsess different art from many artist.I like to use art like yours for drawing with charcoal and pastels. It is sad that you had to remove some of your beautiful artwork due to the artless attitude of jerks. Soon I hope to have a web page to show my God given talent. Again I want to thank you for allowing us to enjoy your fine work. Sincerely Jonathan
ralph from City: sactmento, calif
hello how things. from Seattle, USA
Your photos of nude family, mother-child groupings and large or old persons bring back summer at AANR parks for all those of us unable to go because of winter or illness. Your photos depict that which is holy. Thank you.
Kris B. from Tienen, BelgiÎ
toffe site en zeer mooie werken, ik ben ook airbrusher, je kan mijn werk bezichtigen op misschien tot ziens. Groetjes KrisB
Denise de groot from utrecht, netherlands
aantrekkelijke website en boeiend werk , zeker je foto's zijn bijzonder
Olga Filodor from Moscow, Russia
Dear Amit, Thank you for your Art! Olga
David Lieberman from NYC, USA
Hi, Very nice site and very nice pictures. Nude #7 was my favorite. The subject and the composition were perfect. I also liked your landscapes. I haven't seen the entire collection yet but I will. Please come see my photographs. I welcome your feedback if you do. -Dave PS-I spent some time on Kibbutz Kfar Hachoresh.
peter watling jp135237 from sydney, australia
Rosemary Townsend from Stafford, UK
Like these photographs very much particularly the nudes and body art.
Netzach from Beer-Sheva, Israel
I loved your photos! Well done!
Igor Beres from Den Haag, The Netherlands
I was L@@king arouuuund this C@@L site !!!
Alwin Zwaan from Doet, gld
Ziet er goed uit. Ik heb gemerkt hoe moeilijk het is om ze elke keer weer bij elkaar te krijgen die dames. Respect. Groeten Alwin.
D.Feldman from Los angeles, U.S.
I enjoyed your photos!!!
Itzik from WELL DONE!!!
Mr. Fiaz from sialkot, pakistan
Hello...I love photography and always try to find new web site for knowledge but i find this web site very different & attractive.
shay from netanya, israel
amit my name is shay and i just wanted to say that the landscape pictures are amazing.
Jeremiah from USA
Great work. I really enjoyed your drawings. It had a old style that I truely favor.
rob blom from Doetinchem, Nederland
Leuke site. Ik zou zorgen voor wat minder co-advertising. Groeten, Rob
b. isen from eastpoint, usa
enjoy beautiful nude modeling. hope to take a course very soon. Thanks
Alfredo from Rome, Italy
vipkade from Chemnitz, Germany
Hi, very nice site and beautiful pictures!
Peter Ouweneel from Rhoon, Nederland
Prachtige foto's en schitterende composities. Bedankt. Peter Ouweneel
Sharon Berger from Afula, ISRAEL
very nice work.
Bia Rocha from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
congratulations to both Amit & Allon Bar
caroline boaz from oconomowoc, WI USA
love your work. wishing you blessings abundant in 1999
Ronald from Pittsburgh, USA
meera pancholi from mumbai, india
i liked ur imaginatoin. good work.
Wayne Mulligan from New York, USA
I love your work, beautiful thank you
Deanna from New York, Unites States
Your work inspires me to pursue photography! I am interested in the nude human form and it is so difficult to find photogaphers that are erotic without being pornographic but your art is precisely the kind of quality that I hope mine will be one day. Thank you and please keep creating. peace,love,bliss~*~Deanna~*~
Fridy klunder from meppel, NL
Bedankt voor u email en voor het laten zien van al die kleurige bodypaint ik vind het heel mooi. ik hoop dat ik nog heel vaak bericht krijg dat er weer wat nieuws is. De groetjes en bedankt. Fridy klunder
Wim Mulder (CCO) from Grave, Nederland
Hoi Amit, Remember me? Long time, no see! Dat ik je hier nu tegenkom! Ben aangenaam verrast! Keep up the good work! Groetjes! Wim.
john videler from westport, united States
I really like your work, it motivates me.
osnat from haifa, israel
wonderful, greats pictures,paintings & others. Keep the good work.
loir-anne from Wind Ridge, USA
Love the body paintings...the nudes are sharp the photography...nice site. ty for sharing.
Cole Shivers from USA
Wonderful work. I very much enjoyed looking at it.
Sally from USA
Not only is this page designed and layed out beautifully, but the work it displays is a wonderful addition to the cyberworld.
Guillermo Zamarripa R from Irapuato, Gto., MÀxico
This is a good artistic photograph site I've liked very much, and this is not the first time, promised!
Joost Remeeus from Emst, Nederland
Dank weer voor de mooie toezending. Het naakt met de poezen en de hond : :FANTASTISCH : veel dank er voor. Vriendelijke groeten, Joost Remeeus.
Kelina Cowell from Leeds, England
I really like your work. Please visit my site, and let me know if you would like to link to my site
mannu from delhi, india
i saw your work its nice. I am also a photographer i want to show you my work. Would you like to see that?
Gerard van Egmond from Den Haag, Nederland
Heel mooie foto's! Ik heb er van genoten.
Chrys from Houston,TX, USA
I think your works are amazing. My breath was honestly taken by a number of your images. Congrats! ~Chrys
Ren» Nobbe from hengelo, nederland
Hallo, ik als leek heb zelfs genoten van je site. succes met alles wat je doet en tot mail, grtx ren»
itzik Yariv-Pasternak from Oranit, Israel
Well done!!!
afilador from oviedo, espa“a
Me encanta su obras y con su permiso le he colocado entre mis likns, espero que pase hacerme una visita por mi peque“a geleria del arte erotico, saludos.
J. van Muilekom from Doetinchem, Nederland
Via de Cesar Therapie ben ik uw werk tegengekomen en heb bewondering hiervoor.
Ettore Bar from Milan, Italy
Hi, Same name, same passion ! Very expressive, very emotional, great works ..
bocquet from st denis, reunion island