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1431 entries.
J. van Muilekom from Doetinchem, Nederland
Via de Cesar Therapie ben ik uw werk tegengekomen en heb bewondering hiervoor.
Ettore Bar from Milan, Italy
Hi, Same name, same passion ! Very expressive, very emotional, great works ..
bocquet from st denis, reunion island
Michael from Some where in Iowa, United States of America
Hello, Amit. I'm very very impressed with your webpage! It's done very nicely (give some credit to the one that designed it for ya!). Your artwork is VERY good. All of it is totally great. I don't understand why anyone would take any images from your nude gallery and use them for an "adult" site. That's sick. Those pictures are very beautiful, just like the rest of your photographs and collages. All in all, a job EXCELLENTLY done, webpage, art, and everything!
David from Colbert, USA
Great work. Your nudes are very artistic
amit kumar kashyap from delhi, india
nikhil from nagpur, india
the person who have god gift can do only such believable work definately no need to asy a word for his work whatefer he had shone in his work is then only creatifvity. thanks to tht god to make such a great person
Well focussed and framed photographs. Would be nice to have some larger landscape photos that people can use as wallpaper - with due credit to you.
Tom Keene from Edison,NJ , USA
nice pic
janet from winsum, nederland
Ik heb genoten van de foto's kom binnenkort terug om weer een kijkje te nemen.
saleh from aden, aden
Ribbi from antwerpen, BelgiÎ
Hele mooie site met hele mooie foto's! Greetz
Eun suk, Chang from Seoul, Korea
I'm happy beause of this site contained all kinds of art.... Thanks~~~
Helmut Newton from Berlin, Germany
Gro?artig! Have you considered doing fashion portraiture? I think you would have much talent for that sort of thing.
fam. dotsch from amstelveen, holland
mooi website, groetjes. judith
yaval barkai from hazorea, israel
I was really pleased to meet you here at my home on Friday evening. Keep in touch! Yaval
Norbert from Assendelft, Netherlands
Dear mr. Bar, I realy learned a lot during your workshop on the 17th of November 2009. The model was great, the way you give workshops is truely worth evertything. Toda!! Hope to follow another workshop soon. Best regards, Norbert Brussel
Ronan Farrelly from Dublin, Ireland
I Like Art Especially Naked art and i would love to pose for you one day e-mail me please
Gilad Arieli from Tel-Aviv, Israel
I enjoyed visiting your site. If you ever come to Israel again I would like to volunteer my apartment as a shooting location. Check it out, mine is first floor on the left.
Peter Schràder from Borsfleth, Deutschland
Sehr gute Bilder
marc johnson from pittsburgh, usa
you have really great stuff, i really do not know which i liked more
Jim Stampher from greencastle, pa, USA
enjoyed your pictures, brought back many good memories as I lived in the Netherlands for almost 3 years. Schiedamm, worked in Rotterdam, enjoyed the country and the people tremendously
alan from tel-aviv, israel
wow ... indeed creative, artistic and simply put, wonderful ...
Harry Broker from Denver, Colorado USA
Very interested site, with models and craftmanship. Congratulations! Good Luck! "aquablauw" Please feel free to see my Website at:
Amit Dhanawat from mumbai, india
this is really a great site. I am also interested in art. I have my site called I need your assistance. plz help me.
Jule from Essen, Germany
NIce layout... What I like most at this site are the photo's of the body painting models. Fantastic work...cannot say anymore 'bout it! Hope to see much more next time...Jule
V Hollis from wauchope, ustralia
great work.
claartje thijs from utrecht, nl
de plant afstekent tegen de blauwe lucht,erg mooi
itzik from Oranit, Israel
Well done!!!
Mahmoud Mourad from Minia, Egypt
rich schmitt from high view, west virginia, usa
Really like your work. Great site. Please take a look at my art website:
david from sz, china
johan from limburg, belgie
zeer profesioneel !!!!!
keesvo from adam,
mooie inspirerende foto's
Ken Kaissar from Philadelphia, United States
Hi Amit: Your pictures are beautiful. I love perusing your galleries. I find them inspirational for my own work. I am a playwright. I am also Israeli. I was born in Ramat Gan, but have lived in the United States all my life. I write about Israel a lot. Perhaps we can work together sometime. Best, Ken
Omer & Tal Golan from Leiden, Holland
Good work man! Really fun images.
Arjen from Pannerden, Holland
Twee vrouwen om mij heen !!! vragen....waar zijn de mannelijke modellen (NAAKT !!!)
salim binzou from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Very fine photos, i loved them, so i would like to have some photos thru my E-mail if it's possible. Thanks & B.rgds. Salim binzou
Karel De Puysseleir from antwerpen, belgiÎ
Mooie site, als fotoliefhebber en verzamelaar van fotoboeken zet ik hem bij mijn faforieten. Waarom echter alleen vrouwen of koppels als model? ook met mannen is mooi werk te verwezenlijken en dat hoeft niets met geaardheid te maken te hebben. Veel succes verder.
Nathan Oliver from Kansas, US
These are some great pictures I'm student and an avid photographer,your photos show great emmotion and very divesre? Bravo!
Jo Best from Bethel, VT USA
I've always enjoyed your wondeful photos and artistic works, but I lost touch with this site for a while. Thanks for sending again.
Jon Cross from Pittsburg, KS, US
Hey Amit I just wanted to say I'm glad to see you still taking photos. I have been a fan since 1999. And I wish you many more years.
Jur Bosboom from Muntendam, Nederland
Mmm...fraaie site vooral de Nederlandse landschappen spreken mij aan. Bekijk mijn fotosite ook eens Het is wel een ander soort fotografie. Groeten, Jur Bosboom
Tom from Taegu, South Korea
Your home is very nice to visit, I guess. Excellent arrangement of articles is especially in favor of visitors. That seems to make them easy. Yeah ! Good job . Have nice days, Amit 🙂
Anne & Skitz Fijan from Velserbroek, Nederland
Erg leuk die bodypaints, we komen mischien eens in de "gallerie" kijken.
sarah farnham from londonderry, us
i love your nudes
Dirk Thomas from Kerkrade Oostelijke Mijnstreek, Nederland
Amit, was blij dat je me weer een bericht stuurde over je nieuwe werk. Ben nog steeds onder de indruk van je geweldig mooi werk. Mijn compliment daarvoor. Baie groet ga zo door.
Ben from Holland
Beautifull pictures, liked especially the pictures of older people
cor groene from lewedorp,nederland
Prachtig werk op deze site. Allemaal van een en dezelfde fotograaf? Zeer gevarieerd en fantasievol. Ik geniet hier. Groeten Cor
Grashoff from Doetinchem, NL
beste Amit, We hebben vol bewondering je website bekeken, het ziet er professioneel uit! Hans en Christeien.
francyne pelchar from N.C. , USA
Het is geweldig. Francyne
Talana Turner from Okla. City OK, U.S.
The photos were great!!! Hope to see more in the future.
Steve Barylick from Cambridge, MA USA
Your imagery and creativity are exquisite.
Itzik Yariv from Oranit, Israel
Well Done!!!
lutz erler from from hamburg, germany
Hey this a fine art gallerie and your picture is very interesting
Kjeld from Amsterdam, Nederland
Proficiat met de prachtige site. Een duidelijke layout en hele mooie foto's. Kunst om van te genieten...
OscarTan from Singapore
Thanks a lot U Amit Bar. bcoz U exhibit your art to the world I show it & enjoy it I like art but not expert in this anyway thanks to U ,really like it.
Noel L Cipriano from new orleans , usa
Enjoyed your work.
vijay acharya from ahmedabad, india
nice photograph
utpal shah from vadodara, india
Very good collection on body-painting. It really color full.
Seppo Hovila from KUUSAMO, FINLAND
Great photos. I liked the powerful color and light.
ak from Mumbai, India
Congratulations. Your Black and White nude pictures are treat to eyes. No vulgarity just an art. Keep it up. Waiting to see new pictures.
Stephan Marsh from Makanda, USA
Just would like to tell you that your site very well laid out. Like your work
m.hooshmand from teh, iran
it was one of the best sites i have ever visited,especialy the body paints. wish you the best.
patrick from m∑laga, spanje
ik heb genoten van de schitterende naaktfoto's! heel natuurlijk en echt! GEWELDIGE foto's!
Joanne from Bethel,Vermont, USA
Dear Amit, It's been a while since I have looked over your site. It is always very fascinating to me. I especially like #19, #64 and # 68 under the portrait section. Great ideas. I hope you are recovering or recovered from your operation well. Take care, Joanne
Coos Ernens from IJmuiden, Nederland
Zeer mooie site super breng ook eens een bezoek bij mij
Koby Avraham from Beer-Sheva, Israel
Thank you Amit for the new work as usual it is very good and I had lern alot from your site.
Thomas Muller from Kitchener, On., Canada
I have found you site looking for a photographer to do an assignment on. I am currently in a graphic design program and wish to get some more information from you. If you could e-mail me back that would be great.
suzie q from Embro,, Canada
nice, #1 is something that u should work more with, the idea that is ... lovely, but also what about the clit, can u make it into something with your work? make it a beautiful thing..... with all the shades that you use, for me k?
alon from tel aviv, israel
exceptional! happy holidays
sajin from cochi, India
its a nice Photographic site. Congrats to all of them behind this.
Christian from Orizaba, Mexico
I landed on your site just by chance and then I've spent more than two hours recreating at your pictures, specially the collages. you're truly inspirational!
jim marquez from gadalajara, mexico
yuor page is wonderfull and very nice
Marcus Wessels from Osnabrueck, Germany
Hi! I don't know how to tell you in very good english what really feel while I'm enjoing your pictures. But I want to tell you, that I like them very much. Greetings, Marcus
Roberto Calderon from MEXICO
Super cool, I really like your work, is really good.
Willy Croezen from Dinxperlo, Netherlands
Hey Amit, Love your work! Especially the old factory-bodypaint session: Body-paint #136 Wow! Breathtaker.
lanadelowe from tel-aviv, israel
Amit! I was happy that I for chance recieved to vsit your site and enjoyed your diversity and creativity very much. thank you and shalom. lana
KAJI from Tokyo, Japan
I am happy.This is great!
from Sarasota,FL, USA
Enjoyed very much
Clpahouwers M from 2640 Mortsel, Belgie
Prachtige foto verzameling
james from yuba city,ca usa
Very nice work, loved your subjects. Great site, thanks..
Julie Flachs from Boston, USA
I have already purchased one of Amit's body-paintings and am totally in love with his work. If I could, I would buy all of his work!
ROU from Cairo, Egypt
Itzik from Oranit, Israel
Well done(as always!).
Soly Srour from Green Bay, USA
I enjoy looking at your work and will be buying some of it to give as presents and some to keep. I will place my order as a trial order first to be able to judge the quality and perspective. Keep it up. It looks great. Soly
lisa from bordentown, united states
i love the photos and i wish i had the chance to take pictures like. there beautiful
Hans Drion from oostzaan, Ned.
bodypaint. Ode aan het model ze draagt de beschilderingen geweldig. Ze is de belichaming van de symbolen.
Sophie from Dijon, France
I have always failed my praising attempts.
Tara Dalton from Pittsburgh, USA
your work is wonderful. I would love to model for you some day if I can ever take a holiday to the Netherlands. Your photographs of the children are especially brillant. I have a two year old. I would love to send you a photograph of him. He is beautiful. The art of photography is captured for a lifetime. Thank you for capturing such perfection.
Len Wallac e from Colorado Springs, USA
Thank you for your last E-mail. Great work, always enjoy what you do. Thanks Len
Yvonne from Marion, U.S
You have some pretty picture's. I wish I would of been there to see these place's. I'll vist this page again. Yvonne U.S.A.
I am a documentary photographer. My work is KOREA traditional culture and human geography. If you want to see my picture, mail me. Nice meet to you. see you soon!
George Cabig from Binan, Philippines
I like your art work
Duncan Pimms from Reading, UK
Good range of photographic images. Like the windmills in particular. Would be nice to see them bigger.
alex levin from israel
I very loke your works!!! great great great. visit me too!!!
Moshe Abeles from Tel Aviv, Israel
Excelent Work.
illya Frazier from Barcelona, Spain
Hello Amit, was really nice to see your art, in a Sunday afternoon. I like photography very much, and sometimes my girlfriend and I enjoy very much taking pictures. we would like to be in your mailing list. friendly regards, Illyan Frazier