1431 entries.
you have a very nice site.
Your great. Any tips?
fascinating work. you have genius in the inovation of ideas, but also in the humorous and human way you treat people. the cello player with curious cows & and the very fat very fun dancer are two favorites.
Lovely work on your site, best Wishes for a speedy recovery from an english bodypainter! Get well soon!!!!
I enjoyed the site v. much but was disappointed there were no enlarged jpeg's of your photos. also wanted to download 2 myself but couldn't since the images were so small! the freedom 2 share is v. important. thanx, amit
I find your work very enjoyable. I myself am an artist and I am seriously considering purchasing one of your body painting Photos at some point.
hi, this site is beautiful. i,m nice to visit here by chance. good day! thanks
Nice site! Enjoy your work. I enjoy same kinds of photography plus drawing, painting. This was a very nice place to visit. Bob
Get well soon!
i am planning to establish a web gallery... your gallery is cool...
Verrast was ik door de schoonheid van de foto's die u maakt. Erg leuk voor mij was het om Ofrit, Erez en de tweeling te herkennen. Het allermooiste vond ik toch wel de bodypaints, een beetje onwezenlijk en dromerig en daar houd ik erg van. Mijn hartelijke groeten, Pam Rossel.
Ik hou van je werk vooral in zwartwit. joop
Nice Site! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing through your eyes. Particularly fond of the drama you found in the children's photos. Also impressed to see someone working with bodypaint in the 90's. Keep it up and good luck to you and yours
bold, creative. keep the spark firing.
Very good work. I'm very interested in Bodypainting. And this page is very good to do my homeworks. I thank you for this stuff. Have a nice day. I see you !!!
hi !!! beautiful girls, professional page !!! i enjoyed it very much
Muito interesante e montagens muito boas. Gostei muito. Comtinuem assim , obrigado
Hai... Ik wilde even zeggen dat u ontzettend gave foto's maakt
Fune and Photography is the best web site thank you
erg mooie site met veel mooie foto`s!Navigatie kan wel iets beter nog;)mvg raymond
Ik heb genoten, in »»n woord prachtig. Wanneer kunnen we mannelijke modellen verwachten. Ze zijn zeker de uitdaging van het portreteren waard. Ik kijk uit naar de volgende up date van deze site.
Ik heb op je site gekeken, ben er via een stukje in het blad Naturisme terecht gekomen. Je foto's en tekeningen spreken me zeer aan. Ben zelf amateurfotograaf met een kunstzinnige inslag. Heb hiervoor nooit een opleiding gevolgd maar doen het meeste op gevoel en inspiratie. Heb ook een tijdje met diverse kunstenaars en designers gewerkt op diverse gebieden. Heb altijd nog de stille wens iets te gaan doen op het gebied van de fotografie, dit trekt mij zeer. Een kennis van mij doet ook aan bodypainting, grime en showwerk met modellen, zodoende ken ik de wereld een beetje. Ik vind je werk fantastisch en heb hier grote waardering voor. Graag zou ik hierover eens met je van gedachten willen wisselen. Veel succes, ik zal je site regelmatig blijven volgen. Vriendelijke groet, Paul maurits
Nice landscapes,great site well read and easy to view, will be passing this site on to others. Wayne McLeod
Very nice pictures, you have an interesting form to see the beauty of the bodies and nature
Hi. I'm a photographer from the uk & have just found your site, its Delightful - Nice work. Doc
Lo felicito por sus trabajos realizados tanto de pintura en cuerpos, asi como por sus foto
I am overwhelmed and amazed with the photos and drawings I've seen in this website. I am really interested in viewing this updated website again. thank you.
Hi..I think your taste in Art is exquisite. I also think the black-n-white seem to hold the class of the 'classic'. Very sensivite & intense capturings w/in the Art world! MKS
I visited your site to see the news.Very nice.Have a nice weakend.Itzik.
i lost my world in your site. i love your body paintings and collages. All the best to you. Thanking you. important: can you mail about the theory behind your colours please. lovingly kavi!
I apprecaite your photograph. i like it and i enjoy it. keep it up. I think you are a most leading PHOTOGRAPHER. Thanking you. prakash m
hello! Can you remember me? I hope so...I'm sorry, my English is not good. Well... i saw your new bodypainting. it was very nice. i think your works make me good experience to my work. i think you are very good artist. i like your children's photos. they are very cute and nice. When i looking these photos, i feel some pure and there future that what are gonna do when they are growing up. so... that's why i like yours. and i like your bodypainting #83~87. have a good day! and i hope that you keep good work about your art. thank you! Amit Bar....i'll see later. bye~
hi there! I really enjoyed looking through all your work. Your photos are beautiful. I wish I that later in life I will be able to practice snapping shots, and sharpen my skills (I am what you call an apprentice in photography). Thank you for sharing!
Very inspirational work, very impressed. keep up the good work
super mooie winter fotoos, deze opnames zullen steeds zeldzamer gaan worden, fijn dat je ze hebt vast gelegd voor het nageslacht.
Hiya, Amit... I am a fine/digital artist and have found your images wonderfully inventive and imaginative! Thank you for putting your artworks on the Web...-Jerry Derozier LekiddArtworks
Wonderfull work, thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the note.
very good
Excellent your works...
Very interesting work Amit! Keep shooting and have fun!!
just took a look at your updated site and your work just seems to get better and better keep up the great work emma xx:
I think that you very good work.Keep it up
Gidday, I enjoyed your body painting photos. For some time now I have been considering taking Australian Aboriginal women into the outback of Australia and having an Aboriginal artist paint there bodies with landscape views ie. trees, rocks etc and shoot them with both the body and natural landscape in the same pic. Just an idea. Regards. Lyle
I really liked everything. I thought the landscapes were beautiful. The children pictures...I thought they were cute and I could think of a story for each one. The collages...I really liked...they were intriguing. Well...I just thought I'd sign the that I wouldn't be rude.
Your sketches on female anatomy is superb. I know a little sketching and your sketches will improve me. I have downloaded lot of your sketches. You are in Netherlands and I in India. We can only meet through E-mail. I cant afford to purchase your work as I come from not so rich background. Your sketches enthuse me to draw more. Your friendly, M.Lakshmanan, India.
Fantastische site met idem foto's.. (beetje arrogant maar:) keep up the good work.. Heb er van genoten. Groeten Dimitri..
Impressive. Wonderful work. From one artist to another, you have it!
Enjoyed your work very much it is a delight to the sense of vision.
heel erg goed, een genot om te bezoeken, zowel de tekeningen als de figuur, portret foto's als de bodypaints. een ware gallery
HI! I must say sir, that you are a very talented artist and have a really nice page set-up for you. Wish you all the success (and more) in the years to come. Best regards, ~Akshay~ a.k.a.AKADUS
I am photographer from Athens, Greece & Chania/Creete(Greece). Your photos very-very fine art work...Bravo,Bravo. Please take a look at my art website Thank you very mach
I especially liked the way you captured the love of a mother for her child! More photographers should do works like those!!
Beautiful, simply beautiful
Prima site met goede foto's. Art fotografie is een kunst op zich, vooral op Internet waar je door 95 % rotzooi moet ploegen. Hier een, wellicht eerder gehoorde, tip: idee om aan te sluiten bij het Fine Art Nude Network(.com)? Net als deze een geweldige (verzamel)site!
beautiful work ... i especially liked your landscape and children's photography
I just wanted to let you know I dropped by your site and had a look around. I really enjoyed your photos and drawings. I did have one question though. I see in your drawings that you do mostly figures. Do you have any other subject matter (animals, landscapes, etc.) that you might be putting up on your site? That's all for now. Thanks again. :o) oh I also do some artwork, why don't you drop by and say hello?
Your photographic vision is phenominal. Your God given talent for capturing natural beauty is a nice break from many traditional viewpoints. The comfort and natural love portrayed in your nudes is unmatched, except by the creator himself. You are able to capture his intent vividly.
Once again blown away Amit. Would like to think I'll be able to see the gallery sometime this year, all going well. Thanks for the update. Go Well! Cheers Don
always nice to see your great imagery! have a great new years and a better year!
loved the work. saved some to show to my husband. i'm adding you to my fav. spots to visit. keep up the good work.-fallet
Hello, This website is great, but there is far too much interruption by ads. In fact, I keep getting small ads every few seconds literally, and that wastes my time. Otherwise, the site is beautiful.
I really enjoyed your black and white pictures. I also really liked your sketching of the hands.
interesting. good work.
I like your landscapes and nature, or perhaps the snapshots. Have a good day : BeA
I don't have any words, just that your photos are like a old wine, your works are the best. have happy new year. and how know......
absolutely wonderful!!!! i'd be ijterested in buying somewhere around 10-15. But...i don't know how. e-mail me please.
Ik vind uw foto's echt onwijs mooi en goed. Ik weet er zelf weinig vanaf. Ik ga nu zelf een cursus fotografie volgen. Ik hoop dat ik het ook leer!
I'm quite impressed with your work. Columbia College runs a contest every year named "Paper in Particular," if you are interested in entering I would be happy to forward the info to you. First Place, if I'm remembering correctly, prize is a one-person show at the Sid Larson Gallery on Campus.
You have a lovely site with fantastic images. Love the Nudes and the body-paintings. Thanks for the very pleasant viewing. Regards, farid
Col Hacavod!!!
MAGNIFCO! I enjoyed your art work,very pleasing , good taste . keep up goodwork. Bill
Class. A very high class! 🙂
I know very little about art, however, I do get a good feeling on your content at "Amit Bar Fine Art" web page. It's beautiful. Kevin Chan
The body paint shots are lovely.
Hoi Amit, Ik heb (weer) genoten van je foto's. Met name de naakten buiten vind ik erg mooi. Ik ben zelf ook bezig met modelfotografie, niet zolang dus ik heb nog een hoop te leren. Als je eens wat van mijn werk zou willen zien: Groetjes, Olaf Schulte
Very good nudes. I love looking at nudes it is a very relaxing and enjoyable subject. I look forward to see more of your work. How often do you change the photos on this site?
I enjoyed visiting your site if and when i have money i'll be back
Wonderful pictures
שלום עמית. כחובב צילום הזדמנתי לאתר שלך ונהינתי מהיצירתיות. כן זה האורי קדמון ההוא...כמה אתה כבר מכיר כל טוב
hallo amit, ik heb je update bekeken, het ziet er prachtig uit. Ik vind vooral nr 54 t/m 61 van de nudes erg mooi!
Leuk deze foto,s, wel wat eenzijdig alleen vrouwen !!!!???? In de kunst is er toch wel iets meer als vrouwelijke modellen, of toch, wat ik als model ervaren heb, en poseer toch gemiddeld als mannelijk naaktmodel een per week voor div. centras in zuid-Nederland. Sorry al is wel leuk om te zien vind ik het te veel naar een soort (vrouwen) overhellen ik weet wel vouwen tellen nu eenmaal wat wat beter maar dat heeft niets met kunst te maken.
Its weri nice, thing you
very interesting work, i would like to see more and do appreciate the opportunity to view on the net.
hello, very nice gallery. Awesome works. Best wishes Anna Maria
i like the work you have put into your art. i found it serious,beutifull,and yet insperational. signed RA
Prachtige update het meest bevallen me de foto's in naaktopnamen de serie 54 tot 56 in portret 24 en bij kinderen 39 klasse werk groetjes Jos
Hoi Amit en lezers, leuke site.
Body painting, absolutely incredible. Some of them pulled me right into them, the colors, the poses, the flow it's all good. Also loved photos of the children. Would like to see more from you.
Ben zelf ook modelfotograaf (amateur) geweest. Zag uw mailadres in (sex)blad Foxy met omschrijving "prachtige en zeer diverse naaktfotografie" en herinner me werk in het blad Naturisme